Monday, May 11, 2009

New Delicious Dinner!

Hello Everyone,

I have a recipe I invented (?) tonight.

*all scales below are 0-10
Healthy Scale: 7
Yummy Scale: 8
Filling Scale: 7

Difficulty Level: Easy!!
Time to Cook: ~9 minutes

I call it... Broccoli Delight.

you will need:
-1 head of broccoli
-1 can of cream of mushroom soup
-1 can of tuna
-garlic salt
-water... like. some.

how to do it:
1. fill one pot with water, cut broccoli into bite-sizish pieces. put broccoli in water (where else?) and boil. cook til al dente.
2. Meanwhile. empty can of mushroom soup into skillet. drain tuna and throw that in there too. Cut a hefty (1/2 inch?) piece of cheese off the block, and cut into little pieces. put that in the skillet too. and a dash of garlic salt (not too much, as soup mix is already salty)
3. now, you're gonna make this skillet business hot, and add water so it's a the consistency of runny snot... bad analogy? okay... then kind of alfredo sauce texture. but it's going to be chunky (tuna) and sticky (melted cheese). cook till the cheese is melted and it bubbles if you're not stirring it.
4. strain broccoli. add about 1/3 of the skillet sauce over the top of the broccoli.
5. eat.
6. love.

so, i eat one whole head of broccoli, and saved the sauce for take-two's (leftovers). However, if you're feeding more than your hungry, creative self... more broccoli, as it is sort of the pasta, and the cheese-tuna-mushroom sauce is sauce. It's great. I loved it. You will too.

and yes, i'm back.


Maureen said...

I couldn't be happier to have you back!!!

Caitlin said...

Welcome back, Li-li.
Can't wait to try this, as your bro is going low-carb after 3pm and I am stumped for dinners.
Keep up the blogging- I am bored.