Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I am not that smart.

So today, I finally mustered up the motivation to get my ass (oh, did I tell you guys that my blog may get R rated at times?) to the gym. I would like to take credit for this, but the really the driving force was Dan (my roommate) had someone over, and I didn't want to meet them because I'm an antisocial person after an 8 hour review for NCLEX.

None the less, I get my said ass on my bike (I had a reallllly good parking spot and I didn't want to lose it - seriously.) and rode the 1.3 miles to the gym. Coasted is more like it, since the entire ride is downhill, and if I coast on my bike and don't pedal or use my brakes, I hit the green lights perrffff(ectly).

So, now at the gym, I start jump-roping (tough leg work out) for twenty minutes, and as i go to get water, I notice there's a spinning class at 7:30 - "only forty minutes away! I can kill 40 minutes! I'll just do this nifty running/stair-stepping/leg-MURDERING machine here!!!"

Then, beet red and sweaty (and smelly), I haul my tiiired butt into the spinning room, get on my bike, and recognize a girl (that I don't like that much) from school. Great. She's coming over to talk to me.... oh flip. She's putting her bike next to mine. mother f*er I don't want to talk to this b- "Oh yeah! I totally love spinning class! ... SUCH a good work out! ... Oh, what's his name? ... he hasn't called you yet? ... No I'm sure he will!!" ........

p.s. cute boy on my left

So, now the class starts and cute boy and annoying girl are spinning like PROFESSIONAL BIKERS!! ugh. gotta keep up.

60 minutes later, I'm about 20 pedal strokes away from death. I almost fell when we were getting off our bikes to stretch.

Finally, what a good work out. I can't wait to be home and shower and .......... i rode here. it's raining. and dark.


I kind of can't feel the balls of my feet.

my legs are rubber.

I am not that smart.

1 comment:

Maureen said...

You must have burned a million calories that night! You're not only smart, you're TOUGH!