Monday, May 18, 2009

The epitome of a perfect day

Today is what you call a perfect day, in my book. And, since two of my three faithful readers aren't here to experience it, I will tell you how amazing it is.

First of all, the temperature is around 78 degrees. A couple lazy, fluffy clouds are rolling around in the sky, and an occasional kiss of wind will gently graze your cheek. Not so hot that wearing jeans would be uncomfortable, or sitting in the grass having a picnic would be unbearable. Just right.

The wine-colored clover fields are a burst of almost misplaced color in a tapestry of lumpy green hills. Dark evergreens stubbornly refuse to join the gaiety of the kelly green oaks around them, standing alone with old mossy beards in fields of daffodils and grass.

The shy spring blossoms that eagerly exploded with the first sun of spring are still hanging around; pinks cherry trees, purple clumpy flowers, and the brilliant rhododendrons of every color loudly stake claim on the passerby's full attention.

Every leaf is so honestly optimistic and glad to be bathing in the warmth of spring, it gives the most sincere color it can muster.

The freshly tilled chocolate fields emit a fruitful glow, having been just turned upside down, the dirt clods stretch their cold backs to the sky.

The sounds is of tractors humming, birds socializing, and the leaves thrilling in a foreign warm breeze. The smell is so naturally intoxicating, the heated earth pumping the air with the aromatic energy that spurs spring on.

The cars in parking lots have their windows cracked; drivers trying to spare themselves the choking heat that only our 4-wheeled, portable ovens can muster on such a lovely day. The grocery store is leaking inexpensive produce with every shopper that goes out the door. Workers straining to try and restock the oranges - consumers grabbing the juicy orange globes faster than they can be replaced.

This spring day is the one we hope to see repeated all summer. It is the sheer positivity of the natural world that makes it so intoxicatingly blissful. Everyone wants to be outside in it.

I am quite literally eating a bowl full of cherries, and I cannot find anything more fitting to end this post, than to mention the very last cherry in my bowl. Too much energy for one skin, it broke the cherry-society rules and burst into two. A double cherry to epitomize my very thoughts and feelings of such a perfect day.

1 comment:

Maureen said...

I LOVE that you can so fully appreciate the beauty of this day as well as express it so creatively. I'm glad I got to see you on this perfect day, which made it all the more perfect for ME!